Advice For New Parents

Being a father or mother is not as complicated as it seems; you just have to keep in mind a few tips that can be summarized in three: love, respect, and show your love for your child every day. With this in mind, everything else will be much easier.

However, if you have doubts or are concerned about whether or not you are a good parent, take a look at these tips, you should follow:

Show love to your child.

Love is not enough to feel it; it must be demonstrated. Every day you must tell your child that you love him, give him kisses, hugs, and all kinds of expressions of affection. This will help strengthen your bond and improve the child’s self-esteem by feeling loved by his parents. 

Spend as much time as possible

It is clear that, unfortunately, obligations do not allow us to spend all day with our children. Still, you should try to spend as much time as possible and, above all, quality time, that is, take advantage of all the time together to talk to him, tell him things, play with him, do things together and laugh. Take advantage of even boring and routine moments like dinner, a bath, a trip to school, etc. That will make your life full of unique moments together.

Boost communication

The basis of a good relationship is communication, so do not forget to listen to your child actively every day, ask him how his day has gone, and also tell him about your things so that there is trust between you.

Praise their progress

There is no better way to boost your child’s development and self-esteem than to show your pride in his progress and everything he does correctly, but you shouldn’t go overboard and make him think he’s the best in the world. Be realistic, and when they fail, don’t blame them or say things like “what a fool you are.” Tell him lovingly and with positive reviews what he has done wrong and help him improve without stepping on his self-esteem.

Be a good example

The easiest and most effective way to educate children and get them to be kind and well behaved is by example. Children learn what they see, so you should try to behave in the same way that you want them to behave and, when you make a mistake, admit it, ask for forgiveness and tell them what you are going to do to solve it. In this way, they will learn that nobody is infallible and that one also learns from mistakes.

Play and read with him

Play and reading are the best ways to educate our children. Through games and stories, the parent-child bond is enhanced and strengthened, and relationships are improved. Besides, they can teach them values, good behavior, what to do in different situations, etc. Don’t hesitate and spend at least 15 minutes every day playing with your child or reading a story (or both).

Do not overprotect it.

The overprotection does not allow the child to develop and be responsible. Let her make her own decisions, make mistakes, and learn. It is important that she knows that you will always be there if she needs you, but do not make her live in a bubble so that nothing bad happens to her since she cannot escape the problems of life, it is better to learn to face them and face them.

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